Smart Invoice. Crypto invoicing made simple.

Our Product Vision Revisited: A Comprehensive Overview

Smart Invoice
4 min readOct 9, 2023



Smart Invoice is evolving to better serve freelancers, changes to the organisational structure will make it easier and cost-effective to manage your freelance business. Additions to the vision of Smart Invoice include:

  1. Effortless Grants: Smart Invoice is simplifying the grant-giving process, ensuring grantees secure funding seamlessly.
  2. Freelancer-Friendly: We are introducing a dedicated portal tailored to freelancers’ needs, making invoicing and payment collection hassle-free.
  3. Flexible Network Support: Expanding to different networks to ensure funds flow smoothly across jurisdictions.
  4. Enhanced Support: Users can expect improved customer support.
  5. Custom Features: Smart Invoice allows users to request bespoke features, enhancing their experience.

These changes will you streamline your freelancing business while enjoying secure and easy escrow services. Keep reading to see the change.

Our Product Vision

Over the past weeks we have intensified work on our product vision. Products are not static and must evolve with their users to satisfy market demands. For Smart Invoice in particular this means that we have arrived at the conclusion that what we have built until now are actually two things and not one.

Through design thinking workshops, vision statements, and refinements we realised that Smart Invoice is both a protocol and a consumer-facing product. Smart Invoice is a protocol in the sense that Smart Escrow, a RaidGuild product, uses our smart contracts. For all developers among you, here you can find the link to the GitHub repository of Smart Escrow.

The smart contracts that enable Smart Invoice, however, are also usable through our dedicated frontend with a generalised feature set. Although it is true that Smart Invoice then appears to be monolithic to users of, the truth is that product teams in DAOs are not as cohesive as, for example, at a start up.

Even some start ups have dedicated teams for products and what some of them refer to as ‘tribes’. In short, for bringing the foundational infrastructure to market and in the hands of users we should not limit ourselves to the organisational limitations first and foremost maintaining the protocol brings about.

We have acted on this and will move forward with three dedicated teams, two of which are product-centric, while the third is developer-driven to maintain and improve our protocol infrastructure.

Smart Invoice is gearing up. The full feature is coming soon!

Be The Change

Smart Invoice may be changing its organisational structure, but only to make things even easier for you. Over the following months, you will notice the addition of Smart Grants to our ecosystem, a new bespoke freelancer portal, and enhanced protocol documentation with potentially more supported networks. You will benefit from these changes in four major ways.

  1. A new platform that makes grant-giving a piece of cake.
  2. Dedicated client onboarding for freelancers
  3. More supported networks to make your funds flow in any jurisdiction
  4. Enhanced support availability
  5. Bespoke feature requests

The core product at will be complemented by an additional invoicing flow that is tailored specifically for freelancers. With Smart Invoice for freelancers, you can start invoicing companies in Web3 on a rolling basis, knowing your coming paycheques are secured. We will broadening the support for onboarding arbitration providers and remedy present bugs. Thus, Smart Invoice will mature overall and become a neat fit for your invoicing setup.

Our latest addition, Smart Grants is going to be geared towards grant-giving organisations. For this reason, we are currently evaluating potential integrations with public goods-oriented networks, such as CELO and PGN. The uncertainty grant recipients reported to us when engaging in grants work has prompted us to make building for the general public not a privilege to the liquid few, but available to anyone.

Lastly, our developer advocates at Smart Invoice Protocol ensure core features are running smoothly, our smart contracts are up to date, and the product teams can access the functionalities they require to service every single one of you.

Some things never change

In case you were hoping to get the combined Smart Invoice expertise to engage in custom builds for bespoke use cases, we never grew apart — only stronger. Whether you envy Raid Guild for their Smart Escrow and want a similar solution for your DAO, or seek a custom retention flow to make onboarded members stick, we are here to build it for you. You always can reach us at or drop into our Discord server and leave a message.

We are excited about these updates and hope you are too. Stay curious and engaged, because we make sure that you get paid — fast.

We are available on Ethereum Mainnet, Gnosis Chain, and Polygon.

To find out more visit us on Twitter, at, or join our Discord.



Smart Invoice

The easy-to-use tool providing Web3 freelancers with secure cryptocurrency invoicing, escrow, and arbitration.